Yes = No
係 = 唔係
No = Yes
唔係= 係
May-b = No
或者啦 = 唔係呀
"It's your decision" = The correct decision should be obvious by now!
呢個係你O既選擇 = 正確O既選擇已經放左響你眼前啦!
" Do what u want" = You'll pay 4 this later!
你鍾意點咪點囉 = 遲D你就知死!
We need to talk" = I need to bitch.
我們應該傾下 = 我要發老脾
"Sure......Go ahead" = I don't want you too.
" I'm not upset" = Of course I'm upset, u stupid moron!
我唔係唔開心 = 白痴仔! 我梗係唔開心梗啦
" How much do u love me?" = I did something today your not goin' like me 4.
你鍾唔鍾意我? = 我今日做左一D令到你唔會鍾意我O既事
"Is my butt fat?" = Tell me i'm beautiful.
我屁股大唔大? = 你淨係同我講我好靚就得架O勒!
" You have to learn to communicate!" = Just agree with me.
你要學下點同人溝通 = 淨係同意我講乜就得!
" Are you listening to me?" = Too late, you're dead!
你係唔係聽緊我講野架? = 太遲O勒, 你死硬O勒!
" I'm hungry" = I'm hungry
我好肚餓 = 我好肚餓
" I'm sleepy" = I'm sleepy
我好眼訓 = 我好眼訓
" I'm tired " - I'm tired
我好累 = 我好累
" Do you want to go to a movie?" = I'd eventually like to have sex with you.
想唔想去睇場戲? = 我都係想同你上床咋!
" Can I take you to dinner?" = I'd eventually like to have sex with you.
我可唔可以約你去食晚飯? = 我都係想同你上床咋!
" Can I call you sometime?" = I'd eventually like to have sex with you.
我可唔可以得閒就打俾你? = 我都係想同你上床咋!
" May I have this dance?" = I'd eventually like to have sex with you.
可唔可以同你跳隻舞? = 我都係想同你上床咋!
"Nice dress" = Nice cleavage.
條裙好靚喎 = 你條乳溝真係好深!
" You look tensed, let me give you a massage" = I want to fondle you.
你今日好吸引, 可唔可以俾我幫你按摩下? = 我想愛撫下你
" What's wrong? " = What meaningless self inflicted pshychological trauma
are you going through now?
有乜問題? = 你發乜神經丫?
" What's wrong?" = I guess sex tonight is out of the question.
有乜問題? = 今晚攪野冇問題啦!
"I'm bored" = Do you want to have sex?
我好悶 = 你想唔想同我愛愛O者?
" I love you" = Let's have sex right now.
我愛你 = 我地不如去愛愛咯!
" I love you too" = Okay i said it we'd better have sex now!
我也愛你 = 咁我地不如即刻去愛愛啦!
" Let's talk" = I am tryin' to impress you by showin that I'm a deep person
and maybe then you'd like to have sex with me!
不如傾下先 = 我而家嘗試令到你覺得我係一個有深度O既人, 或者可以令到你會肯同我
" Will you marry me?" = I want to make it illegal 4 you to have sex with
other guys.
你會唔會嫁俾我? = 我想令到你覺得同另外一個男人上床係犯法O既!!! |